Nach 10 Jahren indoor Party haben die Anfragen zwecks einem open air zugenommen.Nun soll es soweit sein wir starten unser erstes Feenrausch open air ! Und ihr könnt dabei sein.Der Sound wird von Progressive über Fullon hinzu Twilight über Darkpsy / Forest / Psycedelic / Chill auf 3 Floor´`s abgerundet,... also eine ganz abwechslungsreiche Sache,.Die Location wird n in einem Gewand aus UV-Deco, Visuals/Licht - Lasertechnik verzaubert,.. Um ein optischen Höhepunkt zu setzen.
Wir freuen uns sehr wenn ihr ,die sich genauso nach dem alten zauber sehnen wie wir, gemeinsam dieses schöne Festival zu zelebrieren!!!Uns geht es nicht um den besten Flyer, die fetteste PA Anlage. uns geht es auch nicht darum die größten Künstler auf dem Line-up zu haben. Es geht uns nur um eins ! Erlebe den Spirit !!!!
Das timetable gibt es vor Ort !
?Bakahira Elements (Schweiz)
Abwechslungsreicher und charakteristischer Fullon mit musikalischen Einflüssen von arabischer zu spanischer, bis hin zu australischer Musik. Dunkle Baselines und sehnsüchtig anmutende bis epische Melodien verbinden das Gesamtwerk zu einer einzigartigen, musikalischen Reise.
?Blisargon Demogorgon(bhooteshwara records)(Macedonia)
Infos come later
?Darbouka (Live with Percussion Drums)
(Goachestra Event Record)(Deutschland)
first album release !
I was 8 years old when I began to play the Percussion Handdrums. My first drum was a present by my father, it was a oriental Darbouka Percussion drum.
4 years later I learned mixing music with vinyl. After are while I learned mixing music with CD´s by myself and I began producing my own Hard trance Tracks.
At the age of 19 I went to my first GoA-Party and everything changed. In the first years I only played as a percussion live act with another DJ´s and Projects:
Star Sound Orchestra , Klopfgeister , Marathi, Obsedian Project, Jaws Underground and many more acts played with me as a show spontanitly.
Over 6 years in the goascene I started mixing in a lot of styles from psyprogg, psytrance and fullon. These are also my favorites styles. I named my Dj-project Darbouka.
At this compilation you are listen to the first remix track of Darbouka , its a remix of Mesmerizer and Jaws Underground.
In this year I also release my first album in the style of Goa. I got an undefenied style beetween Psyprogg, Psytrance, Fullon and Chill.
(Universal Dance Rec / Free Minds Rec)
infos come later!
?Tekamin Live (Deutschland)
146 BPM Fullon Melodic Psy Trance mit 100% live Hardware-Einsatz gespielter Sound, der einlädt mit geschlossenen Augen zu träumen oder ausgelassen zu tanzen. Eine musikalische Übersetzung des Lebens und der Liebe.
?#HashTech Deutschland
#HashTech is a new Progressive Trance projekt, founded in 2013 by the DJ's and Producers G.Schickt and Smokealot. They are involved in the german Psytrance scene for many years as DJ's and Producer's as well as the guys dancing next to you.
Their style can be descrecribed as powerfull and melodic Progressive Trance with pumping offbeat parts and deep fullon driving Basslines
DJ :
? Doctorpsy Verleihnix
ein Progressive Trance DJ / Producer aus Mönchengladbach.
Nach vielen selbst veranstalteten Partys mit (StrangeSpirit) bin ich zum Djing gekommen …
Seit ca. einem halben Jahr porduziere ich auch meine eigenen Sounds.
Am liebsten verzaubere ich die Menschen mit einem Dirty Prog. Sound und einer Pumping Bass auf dem Floor.
Doctorpsy Verleihnix
Schon sein halbes Leben ist DJ Smokealot Musik begeistert. Angefangen aufzulegen hat er im Jahre 2009 mit Dubstep, Drum'n'Bass und ein wenig Minimal. Durch einige Festival und Party Erfahrungen wurde seine Leidenschaft für die psychedelischen Musikrichtungen, hauptsächlich FullOn Psytrance und Progressive Trance, entfacht. Seit 2010 legt er ausschließlich auf Goa Partys auf. Mittlerweile richtet er selber mit seinen Freunden viele Partys in Hamburg und Umgebung aus.
Seit 2011 produziert er nun seine eigene Musik mit musikalischen Einflüssen von Sun Project, Slackjoint, Paranormal Attack und generell Goa aus der alten Schule.
?Ki Ba
A sound which can be described as a rough, stompin', intense and as well melodic mixture of Twilight and psy which is perfectly mirrored in her own character: full power!
?WooTz (Sun Department Records)
WooTz is Jan from the island of Rügen, Germany. He has been a musician since the age of 9. His passion spreads a lot of love for electronic music . Based on the interests of the unusual amount of different sounds, he decided his focus on Psychedelic Trance. It's mixed with analog Instruments and melancholic, but straight forward pumping basslines.
?Sisyphos (Friendly Team/Mysterious Lights)
Style: Night Fullon, Dark touch Sarpcan K., better known as “Sabiene” or DJ SISYPHOS is 25 years old, born in Hamburg (Germany) and playing music since 2011. In the year 2000 he got his taste for hardcore metal music, 9 years later the psychedelic music came into his life. Very fast, he realized his favour for such a lifestyle and music. In 2011 he began to play Psytrance in a few underground partys. After a year he changed to the darkside (; . After a few months he was part of “Mysterious Lights/Goachestra Rec and Friendly Team”. In the end of 2012 he started to organize events mostly with “Friendly Team”. His DJ-style could be described as melodic dark pushing and pumping trance with a little touch of metal and influences of horror movies.
? Spirit of Gaia I Psytrance – Full On I Psytube.a
Phil aka ''Spirit Of Gaia'' is a Psytrance DJ and Producer from Bremen north Germany.
His first contact with Psytrance music was in the Year 2010. since the first instant with Psytrance he was impressed and in Love with this music, all these people and the atmosphere, that he began with Djing in the year 2011.
After one year Djing he wants more. He want to create his own psychedelic sound. So he began with producing psytrance music.
He want to release his first EP in the end of the Year 2014.
His favourite Genre is Psytrance/ Full On. But he also like Forest, Darkpsy and Dark Progressive sound too.
?Psyles ( Panzar Produktionz rec )
PsyLes started his DJ adventure in 2003 after being a part of the scene for a few years cause of the wish to give some of the fun back that other DJ´s gave to him thrue the years. He totally fell in love with the unique feeling and sound with this really deep progressive sounds witch you can´t find anywhere else. He gave it a try and started to work to reach his goal. He worked hard and finally he managed to get better and better and Djing his way in the Psytrance-Scene in Germany especially in Lüneburg and Hamburg. He plays the same way that he lives, special, melodic and ordered. Always interested to improve his skills and having fun while still giving his best when playing the sound that he love the most. The goal for him is just to bring a big smile on the face of the dancing people on the floor, and off course on him self.
Infos come later
closed for the moment !!!!
Darkfloor :
?Statmatica ( Goachestra Event Record)
Dj & Producer ,was born 87 in Germany (North-West) .
my first step in the electronic music was 2010.
My first Release was April 2012 (Lost Moments) & Dezember 2012 (Codename Rosa)
My next release is 16th. june 2013 (Das Ende der Märchenstunde)
Goa , full-on , Psytrance and the art of Psychadelic music (since 2012)
Drum & Bass , Dubstep , Drumstep & 2step (since 2011)
Minimal , Electro , Deep-Tech & electronic music (since 2010)
Producer & DJ of Cosmic Universe & Wave Frequenzy
and the newest member of Goachestra Event Record G.E.R as Live Act and Producer.
Infos come later
Infos come later
?Feel X
Komme aus Mönchengladbach, bin seit 2008 vom Psyvirus infiziert und am liebsten versetze ich die Menschen mit treibenden, verspulten schnelleren Night Sound auf dem Dance Floor in Trance
Infos come later
Moin ich bin Felix aka FreaKiiX aus Schwerin, ich experimentiere seit ca 2 1/2 jahren mit dem mixer..angefangen mit langsameren Darkpsy sound und angekommen bei schnellen hightech&psycore beats bis über 200BPM
?Ganeshi Visionary Shamanics Records
DJ des mystischen, tiefen und dunklen Tönen!
?Unforgiven Soul (Goachestra Event Record) Dark/Hightech
Unforgiven Soul (Dennis Eisenhardt) was born in Germany 1982.
He got infected by electronic Music in the early 90´s. Years ago he produced own sound. After years of producing he had a long break. Several years of psytrance had reactivate his love for music. So now he is Djing since 1 year. His main style is Darkpsychedelic / Hightech / Psycore and Twilight / Nightpsy.
He´s ready to melt some brains on the dancefloor
? Iztam
Moin ich bin der matze alyas Iztam und komme aus Schwerin, ich bin 25Jahre jung und mache seit Ca. Einem Jahr deko&Musik,ich Spiel Horrordelic/dark,schön dunkel und düster
?ROUDY ... (Anesthetia Records)
ich bin philip 19jahre alt, mische seit 3 einhalb jahren psytrance und seit einem jahr bin ich in die darkszene gekommen. seit kurzem produziere ich auch selber tracks. ichbin in die Szene durch meinen vater gekommen der schon Ewigkeiten fester Bestandteil
?Neuronom - littleBIGsensations
closed for the moment !!!!
Infos come later
Mainfloor (Progressive-Fullon-Floor)
?Bhooteshwara crew uv decoration (Macedonia)
?Brahma Deko
?Pappe la Papp (Goachestra Event Record/Germany)
?Darbouka & Cooky (Capoeira Fireshow)
(Goachestra Event Record)
?UV Zauberfeebodypainting & Art
Infos come later
Shops bewerben sich bitte bei
?Light and 3D Lasershow
?Darkpsy Floor
?Chill Floor
?Video Performance
? Fireshow
? Shoparea
?Food & Chaishop
?Party Shuttle
Abendkasse - 35,- Euro
VVK - 25,- Euro
Tickets hier:
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